Friday, June 10, 2011

Pasta and Dessert and a Russian - OH MY!

Seriously, what is better than a little free time in the company of good friends? Okay, well, most things involving my daughter and husband, but aside from that? Nothing. A girls night was just what I needed to feel rejuvenated.

I need to offer thanks to my girl, Deborah, for opening up her house to me and all of our new and old friends. And also for making a FABULOUS pan of baked Ziti and saving my ass on the brownies. Perhaps next time I promise to bring a dessert I WON'T fall asleep while it's baking.

I FINALLY got to hang out with my girl Heidi and I am pretty sure I watched her head spin round while she tried to keep up with my 90 mph flow of conversation. I get to going so fast sometimes that my tongue can't keep up. Add a glass of wine to that and we hit about 115 mphs. Barely understandable. She's a great sport though and didn't tell me to shut up so props to her. :)

My new friend Laura also came which was a treat! I have so been looking forward to meeting her and she is just as awesome as I presumed. Military Wife + Drama Free = Fabulous. Oh, and she likes Wine. We're on the road to a marvelous friendship I am sure.

Add the hot Russian to the mix and it was an amazing night. Sophie was very excited to meet everyone and extremely nervous. I'm happy to say that everyone loved her and she them.

All in all, a girl cannot ask for more than this.

And on that note, to bed. To bed I said.

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