Saturday, June 18, 2011

Extreme Couponing OR Extreme Hoarding?

So I'm sitting in my living room enjoying a nice cool glass of water while I watch Extreme Couponers and all I can think is WHY?! Why are you so proud of yourself? Now, before I go any further, let me tell you a few things. 1. I am not a bitter woman sitting here stewing in jealousy over the money these people "save". 2. I do NOT believe in extreme couponing because I do not feel the need to fill my body with crap. Which is obvious if you know me. 3. I don't feel the need to have a stockpile like we are moving into Great Depression the II.

You want to know what my view on this crap is? I believe that this is more closely related to HOARDING than it is anything else. For example, I just watched a man buy 300 toothbrushes. What the hell do you need 300 toothbrushes for?! Why do you NEED 1,400 boxes of cereal?! Who cares if it's FREE!!! It's 1,400 boxes of CEREAL! Oh and 130 boxes of Tylenol... say goodbye to your liver.

And WHY can you not get all your produce for free? Now THAT would be a deal. Pass me some coupons for cucumbers, apples, bell peppers. Give me all THAT for free and I will be in this for the long haul. That said, I do not need 500 packages in Pizza Rolls in my freezer nor do I want them. And although I ADORE chicken, I don't feel the need to gather up 17 free bottles of barbeque sauce to dip it in..

Now, their are those that do this for good. One woman has donated over $100,000 worth of goods to shelters etc. Good for her! Sadly, not everyone is like this amazing woman. She believes in sharing and supporting the needs of those around her. So PROPS to YOU extreme coupon clipping woman! The rest of you could learn something from this woman.

I would apologize for stepping on your toes if you are one of these people, but I won't. Because I am not sorry. It's hoarding. Plain and simple. My time with my family is more precious to me than 2,000 rolls of free toilet paper.

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